proyek Sains
Dengan Harga Termahal.
Manusia memang tidak akan pernah kehilangan dahaga
haus akan rasa ingin tahu. Seiring berjalannya waktu, perkembangan Iptek
semakin melekat dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. Dengan berkembangnya Iptek
tersebut, terlahirlah era dimana semuanya akan serba canggih.
Contoh saja, ada Smartphone yang sedang kalian
pakai dan pegang saat ini. Bahkan, dari hari ke hari, tahun ke tahun, beragam
Smartphone dengan inovasi dan ragam terbaru, akan selalu muncul.
Apalagi dengan dunia Sains, pasti tak akan luput
dengan Iptek. Bahkan, Sains dan Peniliti dipercaya dapat membuka era baru di
masa depan. Kenapa? Karena, banyak Ilmuwan yang terus berinovasi dan
menciptakan proyek dimana semuanya serba cangih dan baru, dan bahkan di gadang-gadang
bisa menyelamatkan miliaran nyawa Manusia(?). Nah, dengan menciptakan
proyek-proyek tersebut, tentunya tak akan luput dengan keluarnya biaya yang
dibutuhkan demi terselesaikannya proyek tersebut.
Misi Mars adalah salah satu proyek besar yang akan
dilakukan oleh NASA pada tahun 2020 mendatang. Misi ini digelar NASA untuk
mencari apakah pernah ada kehidupan di Planet Merah satu ini, dengan
menerbangkan Rover (robot penjelajah) pada Juli 2020 untuk mendarat di
permukaan Mars, dengan jadwal pendaratan dimungkinkan pada tanggal 18 Februari
Tapi, tahukah kamu, berapa biaya yang di keluarkan
untuk proyek Mars 2020 ini? Biaya yang dikeluarkan adalah 20 miliar US Dollar,
atau jika di konversikan ke Rupiah adalah 282,210,000,000,000.00 (282 triliun
Rupiah). Gila! Mahal banget. Kalo buat beli bakso, kuyakin 10 miliar persen
bisa untuk nraktir seluruh penduduk Bumi. lol.
Nah, dengan adanya Misi Mars 2020 yang harganya
sudah terlampau mahal, tentunya masih ada proyek-proyek Sains lagi yang
membutuhkan biaya yang lebih besar lagi dan sejatinya bisa bikin kita
geleng-geleng kepala karena saking mahalnya. Apa saja?
Berikut beberapa proyek Sains dengan biaya
termahal. Let's check it out!
.Large Hadron Collider.
Bahasa Indonesia-nya Penumbuk Hadron Raksasa, atau
biasanya disebut LHC.
Dilansir dari wiki, LHC adalah pemercepat partikel
berenergi tinggi terbesar di dunia, dan juga merupakan mesin tunggal terbesar
di dunia. Terdiri dari 9300 kumparan magnet superkonduktif dan didinginkan
dengan 96 ton Helium cair. Dibangun oleh organisasi Eropa (CERN) dengan
kolaborasi lebih dari 10.000 ilmuwan dan insinyur dari 100 negara. LHC terletak
dalam sebuah terowongan dengan panjang 27 kilometer, di kedalaman 50-175 meter
di bawah tanah perbatasan Prancis-Swiss. Berarti, panjang dan besar banget ya.
Dengan pembuatan proyek yang sangat besar, super
rumit, dan tentunya super mahal ini, tentunya ada tujuan yang ingin digapai
dalam pembuatannya? Yups, tujuan pembuatan LHC ini adalah untuk menjawab
berbagai misteri terbesar dalam alam semesta, juga menyelesaikan 'pertanyaan
tak terjawab' dalam Fisika.
Nah, berapa biaya yang dikeluarkan untuk proyek LHC
ini? Tak tanggung-tanggung, biaya yang dikeluarkan dalam pembuatan LHC ini
berkisar antara 61 triliun Rupiah. Sumber lain mengatakan total biaya yang
dibutuhkan adalah 9 miliar US Dollar, atau jika di Rupiahkan berkisar
127,057,500,000,000.00 (127 triliun Rupiah).
2. James Webb Space Telescope.
Teleskop atau teropong adalah alat pengamatan yang
berfungsi mengumpulkan radiasi elektromagnetik dan sekaligus membentuk citra
dari objek yang diamati. Alat ini merupakan komponen penting dalam dunia
Nah, JWST ini merupakan observatorium angkasa yang
dioptimalkan untuk pengamatan dalam spektrum inframerah dan merupakan pengganti
dari Teleskop Hubble dan Teleskop Spitzer. Fitur teknis utama dalam JWST ini
adalah cermin dingin yang sangat besar dengan diameter 6,5 meter, dan empat
intrumen khusus untuk pengamatan yang jauh dari Bumi. Kombinasi fitur-fitur ini
membuatnya bisa digunakan untuk dua tujuan utama --mempelajari kelahiran dan
evolusi Galaksi, pembentukan bintang dan planet.
Proyek JWST ini dipimpin oleh NASA dari AS, dengan
kontribusi signifikan dari ESA (European Space Agency) dari Eropa, dan CSA
(Canadian Space Agency) dari Kanada.
Teleskop James Webb ini juga jauh lebih baik dari
Teleskop Hubble, yang notabenenya Hubble sudah digunakan dari tahun 1990 silam,
dan sudah saatnya diganti dengan yang baru yakni Teleskop James Webb.
Direncanakan sejak tahun 1996, dan diperkirakan 'Launch Date' Teleskop ini
adalah pada tanggal 30 Maret 2021.
Nah, berapa biaya yang diperlukan untuk pembuatan
Teleskop James Webb ini? Biaya yang dikeluarkan untuk proyek satu ini adalah 10
miliar US Dollar atau 140,990,000,000,000.00 (140 triliun Rupiah).
3. ISS (International Space Station).
Mungkin, rerata orang sudah pada tau apa itu ISS.
Stasiun Ruang Angkasa Internasional, sebuah fasilitas riset Internasional yang
diluncurkan di orbit Bumi. Di dalam stasiun ini tersedia laboratorium dengan
kondisi mikro gravitasi yang digunakan untuk melakukan penelitian biologi,
kimia, fisika, astronomi, meteorologi, dll.
ISS ini adalah sebuah gabungan rencana stasiun luar
angkasa, khususnya Mir 2 Rusia, Stasiun Luar Angkasa Freedom AS dan Fasilitas
orbital Columbus Eropa. Proyek ini merupakan gabungan dan kolaborasi dari 16
negara: AS, Jepang, Rusia, Kanada, Brasil, dan 11 negara dari Uni Eropa. Dan
agensi luar angkasanya adalah NASA Amerika, Rusian Federal Space Agency, Japan
Aerospace Exploration Agency, Canadian Space Agency, Brazilian Space Agency,
dan European Space Agency.
Tujuan pembuatan ISS ini juga direncanakan untuk
menyediakan transportasi, pemeliharaan dan bertindak sebagai pangkalan untuk
misi masa depan yang mungkin untuk bisa pergi ke Bulan, Mars, dan planet-planet
lain yang bisa untuk diteliti atau mungkin dikunjungi.
Biaya yang dibutuhkan dalam pembuatan ISS ini
adalah 150 miliar US Dollar, jika di Rupiahkan jadi berada? Yups, hasil
konversi menurut Google adalah 2,114,475,000,000,000.00 (2 Kuadtriliun Rupiah).
4. Pendaratan Manusia di Mars.
Pencarian planet atau 'tempat hunian baru' memang
selalu menjadi pembahasan yang menarik. Bagaimana tidak, banyak orang-orang,
ilmuwan, menyangka bahwa suatu saat, Bumi tidak akan lagi bisa dihuni.
Beberapa waktu lalu, Bulan sudah pernah
ditlakukkan. Apa target selanjutnya dalam penjelajahan angkasa? Kuyakin 10
miliar persen, orang-orang akan menjawab Mars. Kenapa Mars? Karena, planet
dengan atmosfer yang tipis ini diklaim dapat ditinggali Manusia.
Kapan Manusia bisa ke Mars? Apa planet Mars layak
untuk dihuni? Pertanyaan ini kini tak lagi menjadi misteri. Pasalnya, lembaga
antariksa NASA sudah memberikan bocorannya.
Pendaratan Manusia di Mars mungkin merupakan proyek
terbesar Sains dalam sejarah. Karena, pendaratan Manusia ke Mars ini adalah
satu lagi langkah baru dalam pencarian 'tempat hunian baru' bagi Manusia.
Pimpinan dari NASA, Jim Bridenstine mengatakan bahwa rencana Manusia untuk
mendaratkan Manusia di Mars sudah dipikirkan sematang mungkin. Dalam sebuah
acara International Astronautical Conference (IAC) pada Senin, 21 Oktober 2019
lalu, Jim Bridenstine melakukan presentasi bersama badan kepala antariksa
Internasional lainnya.
Ia mengatakan bahwa, misi terdekat NASA saat ini
adalah melakukan pendaratan kedua kalinya di satelit alami Bumi; Bulan, guna
mempercepat pendaratan di planet Mars.
“Jika kita mempercepat pendaratan di Bulan, berarti
kita mempercepat pendaratan di Mars, itulah yang sedang kita lakukan,“ tuturnya
pada Tech Crunch.
Kapan pendaratan kedua di Bulan dilakukan? Dalam
misi Artemis, NASA menarget akan melakukan pendaratan kedua Manusia di Bulan
pada tahun 2024. Setelah menjelaskan misi terdekat NASA, Bridenstine juga
menjawab rasa penasaran publik tentang 'kapan manusia bisa mendarat di Mars?'
ia menjelaskan bahwa NASA akan melakukan misi pendaratan Manusia di planet Mars
pada tahun 2035.
Pendaratan Manusia di Mars merupakan proyek
terbesar yang mungkin akan pernah dilakukan Manusia. Berbeda dengan misi Mars
2020 dengan mendaratkan Rover di permukaan Mars yang memakan biaya 282 triliun
Rupiah, mendaratkan Manusia di Mars jauh super lebih mahal lagi. Diperkirakan
mendaratkan Manusia di planet Mars mencapai biaya yang sangat fantastis,
berapa? 7,000,000,000,000,000.00+ (7 Kuadtriliun Rupiah) Fantastis!
(in English)
Humans will never lose their thirst for curiosity. Over time, the development of science and technology is increasingly embedded in everyday life. With the development of science and technology, an era where everything will be sophisticated.
For example, there is a smartphone that you are currently using and holding. In fact, from day to day, year to year, various Smartphones with the latest innovations and varieties, will always appear.
Especially with the world of science, certainly will not escape the science and technology. In fact, Science and Researchers are believed to be able to open a new era in the future. Why? Because, many scientists continue to innovate and create projects where everything is new and sophisticated, and is even predicted to save billions of human lives(?). Well, by creating these projects, of course, it will not escape the costs needed to complete the project.
The Mars mission is one of the major projects that NASA will undertake in 2020. This mission was carried out by NASA to find out if there was ever life on this one Red Planet, by flying a Rover (robot rover) in July 2020 to land on the surface of Mars, with a possible landing schedule on February 18, 2021.
But, do you know, how much is the cost for this Mars 2020 project? The cost incurred is 20 billion US Dollars, or if converted to Rupiah is 282,210,000,000,000.00 (282 trillion Rupiah). Crazy! So expensive. If you buy meatballs, I'm sure 10 billion percent can treat the entire population of the Earth. lol.
Now, with the Mars 2020 Mission, which is already too expensive, of course, there are still more Science projects that require even greater costs and can actually make us shake our heads because they are so expensive. Anything?
Here are some of the most expensive Science projects. Let's check it out!
1.Large Hadron Collider
The Indonesian language is the Giant Hadron Pounder, or usually called the LHC.
Reporting from the wiki, the LHC is the world's largest high-energy particle accelerator, and it is also the largest single engine in the world. Consists of 9300 superconductive magnetic coils and cooled with 96 tons of liquid Helium. Built by the European organization (CERN) with the collaboration of more than 10,000 scientists and engineers from 100 countries. The LHC is located in a tunnel 27 kilometers long, 50-175 meters deep under the French-Swiss border underground. I mean, it's really long and big.
By making a project that is very large, super complicated, and of course super expensive, surely there is a goal to be achieved in making it? Yups, the purpose of making this LHC is to answer the greatest mysteries in the universe, as well as solve the 'unanswered questions' in Physics.
So, how much did this LHC project cost? Unmitigated, the costs incurred in making this LHC ranged from 61 trillion Rupiah. Another source said the total cost required was 9 billion US Dollars, or if translated in Rupiah it was around 127.057,500,000,000.00 (127 trillion Rupiah).
2. The James Webb Space Telescope.
A telescope or binoculars is an observation tool that functions to collect electromagnetic radiation and at the same time form an image of the object being observed. This tool is an important component in the world of Astronomy.
Well, this JWST is a space observatory that is optimized for observations in the infrared spectrum and is a replacement for the Hubble Telescope and the Spitzer Telescope. The main technical features in this JWST are a very large cold mirror with a diameter of 6.5 meters, and four special instruments for observations far from Earth. The combination of these features makes it usable for two main purposes --studying the birth and evolution of galaxies, the formation of stars and planets.
The JWST project is led by NASA from the US, with significant contributions from ESA (European Space Agency) from Europe, and CSA (Canadian Space Agency) from Canada.
The James Webb Telescope is also much better than the Hubble Telescope, which in fact Hubble has been in use since 1990, and it is time to replace it with a new one, the James Webb Telescope. Planned since 1996, and the estimated 'Launch Date' of this Telescope is March 30, 2021.
Well, how much does it cost to make this James Webb Telescope? The cost for this one project is 10 billion US Dollars or 140,990,000,000,000.00 (140 trillion Rupiah).
3. ISS (International Space Station).
already know what the ISS is. The International Space Station, an International research facility launched in Earth orbit. In this station, there are laboratories with micro-gravity conditions that are used to conduct research in biology, chemistry, physics, astronomy, meteorology, etc.
This ISS is a joint rencHumans will never lose their thirst for curiosity. Over time, the development of science and technology is increasingly embedded in everyday life. With the development of science and technology, an era where everything will be sophisticated.
For example, there is a smartphone that you are currently using and holding. In fact, from day to day, year to year, various Smartphones with the latest innovations and varieties, will always appear.
Especially with the world of science, certainly will not escape the science and technology. In fact, Science and Researchers are believed to be able to open a new era in the future. Why? Because, many scientists continue to innovate and create projects where everything is new and sophisticated, and is even predicted to save billions of human lives(?). Well, by creating these projects, of course, it will not escape the costs needed to complete the project.
The Mars mission is one of the major projects that NASA will undertake in 2020. This mission was carried out by NASA to find out if there was ever life on this one Red Planet, by flying a Rover (robot rover) in July 2020 to land on the surface of Mars, with a possible landing schedule on February 18, 2021.
But, do you know, how much is the cost for this Mars 2020 project? The cost incurred is 20 billion US Dollars, or if converted to Rupiah is 282,210,000,000,000.00 (282 trillion Rupiah). Crazy! So expensive. If you buy meatballs, I'm sure 10 billion percent can treat the entire population of the Earth. lol.
Now, with the Mars 2020 Mission, which is already too expensive, of course, there are still more Science projects that require even greater costs and can actually make us shake our heads because they are so expensive. Anything?
Here are some of the most expensive Science projects. Let's check it out!
1.Large Hadron Collider.
The Indonesian language is the Giant Hadron Pounder, or usually called the LHC.
Reporting from the wiki, the LHC is the world's largest high-energy particle accelerator, and it is also the largest single engine in the world. Consists of 9300 superconductive magnetic coils and cooled with 96 tons of liquid Helium. Built by the European organization (CERN) with the collaboration of more than 10,000 scientists and engineers from 100 countries. The LHC is located in a tunnel 27 kilometers long, 50-175 meters deep under the French-Swiss border underground. I mean, it's really long and big.
By making a project that is very large, super complicated, and of course super expensive, surely there is a goal to be achieved in making it? Yups, the purpose of making this LHC is to answer the greatest mysteries in the universe, as well as solve the 'unanswered questions' in Physics.
So, how much did this LHC project cost? Unmitigated, the costs incurred in making this LHC ranged from 61 trillion Rupiah. Another source said the total cost required was 9 billion US Dollars, or if translated in Rupiah it was around 127.057,500,000,000.00 (127 trillion Rupiah).
2. The James Webb Space Telescope.
A telescope or binoculars is an observation tool that functions to collect electromagnetic radiation and at the same time form an image of the object being observed. This tool is an important component in the world of Astronomy.
Well, this JWST is a space observatory that is optimized for observations in the infrared spectrum and is a replacement for the Hubble Telescope and the Spitzer Telescope. The main technical features in this JWST are a very large cold mirror with a diameter of 6.5 meters, and four special instruments for observations far from Earth. The combination of these features makes it usable for two main purposes --studying the birth and evolution of galaxies, the formation of stars and planets.
The JWST project is led by NASA from the US, with significant contributions from ESA (European Space Agency) from Europe, and CSA (Canadian Space Agency) from Canada.
The James Webb Telescope is also much better than the Hubble Telescope, which in fact Hubble has been in use since 1990, and it is time to replace it with a new one, the James Webb Telescope. Planned since 1996, and the estimated 'Launch Date' of this Telescope is March 30, 2021.
Well, how much does it cost to make this James Webb Telescope? The cost for this one project is 10 billion US Dollars or 140,990,000,000,000.00 (140 trillion Rupiah).
3. ISS (International Space Station).
already know what the ISS is. The International Space Station, an International research facility launched in Earth orbit. In this station, there are laboratories with micro-gravity conditions that are used to conduct research in biology, chemistry, physics, astronomy, meteorology, etc.
This ISS is a joint space station plans, in particular Russia's Mir 2, the US Freedom Space Station and the European Columbus orbital Facility. This project is an amalgamation and collaboration of 16 countries: the US, Japan, Russia, Canada, Brazil, and 11 countries from the European Union. And the space agencies are NASA America, Russian Federal Space Agency, Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency, Canadian Space Agency, Brazilian Space Agency, and European Space Agency.
The purpose of the ISS is also planned to provide transportation, maintenance and act as a base for possible future missions to the Moon, Mars, and other planets that can be researched or possibly visited.
The cost required in making this ISS is 150 billion US Dollars, if it is converted into rupiah, where is it? Yups, the conversion result according to Google is 2,114,475,000,000,000.00 (2 Quadtrillion Rupiah).
4. Human Landing on Mars.
The search for planets or 'new places to live' has always been an interesting discussion. How not, many people, scientists, think that one day, the Earth will no longer be habitable.
Some time ago, the Moon had been conquered. What is the next target in space exploration? I'm sure 10 billion percent, people will answer Mars. Why Mars? Because, the planet with a thin atmosphere is claimed to be habitable for humans.
When can humans go to Mars? Is the planet Mars habitable? This question is no longer a mystery. The reason, the NASA space agency has provided a leak.
The Landing of Humans on Mars may be the biggest project of Science in history. Because, the landing of Humans to Mars is another new step in the search for 'new habitation' for Humans. Head of NASA, Jim Bridenstine said that Human plans to land humans on Mars had been thought out as well as possible. At an International Astronautical Conference (IAC) event on Monday, October 21, 2019, Jim Bridenstine made a presentation with other international space chiefs.
He said that NASA's closest current mission is to make a second landing on Earth's natural satellite; Moon, in order to speed up the landing on the planet Mars.
"If we speed up the landing on the Moon, then we speed up the landing on Mars, which is what we're doing," he told Tech Crunch.
When did the second moon landing take place? In the Artemis mission, NASA is targeting to make a second Human landing on the Moon in 2024. After explaining NASA's closest mission, Bridenstine also answered the public's curiosity about 'when will humans land on Mars?' he explained that NASA will carry out a Human landing mission on the planet Mars in 2035.
The Human Landing on Mars is the largest project that Humans will ever undertake. Unlike the Mars 2020 mission by landing a Rover on the surface of Mars which costs 282 trillion Rupiah, landing Humans on Mars is much more expensive. It is estimated that landing Humans on Mars can cost a very fantastic amount, how much? 7,000,000,000,000,000.00+ (7 Quadtrillion Rupiah) Fantastic!
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